Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Who Am I?

  I am an artist, but live in the real world. Working for a living and not starving is important. My life is pretty quiet, but I like it. I meditate, read, learn anything I can like a sponge. I am a little recluse and enjoy it for the most part. I have existed for what feels like a thousand years, and I am still here. I love discovery of the new and unusual and usually find it everywhere. Sometimes, I need dynamite to get me off the couch, but dynamite happens. Other times I can be found, going everywhere and nowhere at the same time, and not stopping to sleep. When I finally stop... its time to sleep. Its all good and it is who I am. A bit of a contradiction, but who isn't. Smart, cute, whitty. I give and receive lots of attention and affection with friends. I am patient and love patient people. I have diverse taste in the world... love variety in all things, even work. I am a realist with a flair for extreme creativity (As seen in my art). I think a lot, and live in my mind alot... explains the times when I am quiet. Breaking into my world takes patience, persistance, and a little push. Being my friend is your choice of challenge, and well worth it. I may seem distant on the surface sometimes, but deep inside is a center core of pure love. I love being me, its all good.

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